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how to create a blog

| Selasa, 09 Desember 2014
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first. go to the blog by clicking, as well as other social media, bloggers we should have a gmail email account, if you do not already have a gmail account you have to make, to create a gmail account click, after registering a gmail account, we are back on the blog.

second, to register the blog, please fill in the email name and password. then click sign in.

then click create a new blog. Next fill in the title and the name of the blog as you want. then choose a template or a blog to your liking

Third, your blog creation is complete, but you still have not made further arrangements, and there is no content at all. You can instantly create a new post or perform further settings for your blogspot. :

1. Setting and Design Blog on Blogger
      On the Blogger dashboard page you can do further settings by clicking "More Options" in the form of a downward arrow. Later will come the drop down list, links to other pages in Blogger. View image

2. Posting Content in Blogger
     To create the actual post content on Blogger is very easy, the following steps:

Create a content title: create a short title for bloggers limit the number of characters for the title of the post.
Enter the article or other content on the page content provided by bloggers. You can enter content in the form of text, image, and video.
You can insert links, change the text format, and others, with the help of the existing formatting menu under the title of the content.
Fill labels / categories according to the content you create, then click the button "Finish" at the bottom of the column label.
You can also schedule time posting such content in accordance with the wishes, create a permanent link, add a location, even add other options as needed.
If you are sure will make your content online, please click the "Publish". The content you are already online and can be read by others.

Finally , test the blog . 

how to create a blog

Posted by : Unknown
Date :Selasa, 09 Desember 2014
With 6komentar
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